Pornichet Select 6,50

Pornichet - Belle-île - Yeu - Port Bourgenay - Groix - Pornichet

Organizer : 
Race director : 
Website :
Category :  C
Crew type :  single
Total nb of NM :  300
Ranking coefficient :  1,5
Announcement of results :  29/04/2009

80 boats for 300 NM single handed on a selective course, starting and finishing lines in Pornichet.

The “Pornichet Select 6,50” is now a classic race : since 2001, it has opened the official mini races campaign in Atlantic for many competitors.

Traditionally, the first miles are the most tactical, up to Belle Ile, before a long descent to Port Bourgenay, then, a similar ascent, often up wind, to Groix Island. Here, competitors feel the effects of the tiredness. One sleeps as few as possible because it is necessary to hold, to round Quiberon, Houat, the "Plateau du Four", before entering in the bay of La Baule.

A tough and splendid race, which gives for many the mood of the season.



38 participants